Remember, the overarching goal of DEI in the workplace is to manage and mitigate risks such as:
Prohibiting discrimination
Fostering respect for the individual
Maintaining high morale among employees
Creating safe spaces for expressing concerns
Promoting fairness in policies and procedures
Eliminating structural barriers to fair outcomes
Encouraging work-life balance and mental wellness
Ensuring all stakeholders feel valued and welcomed
All of the above are consistent with existing employment laws. Therefore, all of the above are lawful objectives of DEI. Don't lose focus of the objectives!
There’s a basic premise of interest-based negotiations required for advancing DEI objectives amidst the backlash. If you achieve stakeholder alignment on the objectives of DEI but cannot move the needle on nomenclature, do not undermine a win-win by refusing to massage your messaging. At TULIP, we have a distinct Integrative Negotiations service offering that we integrate into our DEI Analytics & Reporting deliverables --- it’s a value-add benefit you receive when working with TULP Advisory Professionals LLC.
To learn more, schedule a consultation with a TULIP Advisor by clicking the link below: #DEI #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Disparities #HR #Compliance #NegotiationSkills #Engagement #StakeholderManagement #MessagingMatters #EqualProtection #AntiDiscrimination #Fairness #Outcomes #MeasurableResults #WorkplaceExperiences #CostAvoidance #BottomLine