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The Employee Experience (EX) Must Be Managed, Not Simply Measured

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

A recent Gartner study cites Employee Experience (EX) as a key focus for HR in 2024. Disruptive technologies such as AI and the accelerated use of collaborative tools required for business continuity during the pandemic have dramatically impacted ways of working, thereby also drastically impacting the employee experience. The compounded change of these new ways of working has created a need to manage the employee experience differently. A data-driven approach can help to identify risk areas that threaten the employee experience.

Being innovative by mining for data in the workplace that can proactively identify risks is a must for effectively managing employee experiences; and, measuring the effectiveness of employee experiences remains important for tracking progress with intervention strategies and continuous improvement. Understanding the triggers in the workplace that impact the employee journey is necessary for proactively managing the employee experience. However, relying on lagging indicators such as retention, eNPS and productivity to simply measure experience is no longer sufficient. Being proactive requires leading with a data-driven approach to reveal potential for grievances before they ripen into formal complaints or accelerate attrition as a symptom of a failed employee experience.

TULIP Advisory Professionals LLC supports organizations with proactive Employee Experience (EX) strategies. Strategic Grievance Management is a data-driven solution and cost-avoidance strategy for managing EX. We uncover hidden risks in the employee experience through a comprehensive blended analysis of qualitative and quantitatve datasets. There are some obvious quantitative data points like attrition, engagement and satisfaction/eNPS and some other underutilized data points we'll mine like targeted performance management outcomes and other qualitative indicators of the employee experience. With a Strategic Grievance Mananagement Assessment, we'll provide insights for data-driven decision-making that targets improved employee experiences with measurable goals to track progress and adjust as business needs drive change over time.

To learn more about our Strategic Grievance Management Assessment, email us at We'd be delighted to discuss how you can prepare to focus on better employee experiences at your organization. Contact us today!

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